Saudi crown prince initiates comprehensive blueprint for logistics centers expansion

Saudi crown prince initiates comprehensive blueprint for logistics centers expansion

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, recently introduced an important plan to create logistics centers in the country. This plan is part of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to make its economy more diverse, meaning not relying on just one type of business.

The crown prince shared a big plan to build 59 logistics centers, and these places will cover a huge area, even bigger than 100 million square meters. These centers will be located in different parts of the country. Some will be in Riyadh and Makkah, while others will be in the Eastern Province and other areas. The goal is to finish building all these centers by the year 2030.

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The crown prince said that this plan is really important for making Saudi Arabia better connected to other countries when it comes to trading things. The country is in a good spot on the map since it’s right between Asia, Europe, and Africa. This makes it easier to move things around.

These logistics centers will help things made in Saudi Arabia be sent to other countries faster. They will also make online shopping better by making sure things are quickly moved from where they are stored to where they need to go.

This big plan will also create many new jobs for people. It will also help businesses in Saudi Arabia grow and do more things, especially when they work together with other businesses. This is part of a bigger plan to make Saudi Arabia’s economy bigger and stronger on the world stage.

Last year, Saudi Arabia did really well in a ranking that measures how good a country is at moving things around efficiently. They jumped up 17 places and became the 38th best country in the world at this.

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In April, the Ministry of Transport and Logistics also started some new projects to make things work better in this area. They want to use the best ways of doing things from around the world.

As part of this big plan, a special area for moving things around will be made at King Salman International Airport in Riyadh. Even Apple is going to be part of this by investing there.

By the year 2030, Saudi Arabia wants to be one of the top 10 countries in the world for how well they move things around. This is a big goal that’s part of their plans for the future.

This move shows that Saudi Arabia really wants to become a big player in the world of moving things and transportation. They’re serious about making their economy better and working together with other countries.


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