Ship with 120 pax caught in fire

Ship with 120 pax caught in fire
Ship with 120 pax caught in fire

A ship carrying 120 people encountered a distressing incident on Sunday when it caught fire off the coast of Bohol, a Philippine island. Prompt action was taken as coast guard officials deployed a vessel to rescue the passengers and crew members onboard while simultaneously attempting to extinguish the flames, as reported by the media.

Photos and videos released by the Philippine Coast Guard depict a harrowing scene, with flames and dense black smoke emanating from two decks at one end of the ship. CNN provided coverage of the incident, highlighting the efforts of coast guard personnel on another vessel who utilized a water cannon in their valiant attempt to suppress the fire. It should be clarified that this incident is unrelated to the tourist boat fire in Egypt or the Indonesian ship KM Serba Prima 8 catching fire in the Indian Ocean, previously mentioned in other reports.

According to the coast guard, all 120 passengers and crew members were successfully rescued from the ship, ensuring their safety. They further confirmed that the fire had been fully extinguished, and fortunately, no injuries were reported.

The ship was enroute between the Philippine islands of Siquijor and Bohol when the fire broke out, according to the coast guard’s statement. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown at this time, but the coast guard’s swift response and efficient rescue operation played a vital role in averting any casualties or injuries.

Authorities will conduct a thorough investigation to determine the root cause of the fire, aiming to prevent similar incidents in the future. This unfortunate event serves as a reminder of the utmost importance of preparedness and adherence to safety measures aboard maritime vessels, ensuring the well-being of both passengers and crew.

For the latest updates on this ship fire off the Philippine island of Bohol, it is advisable to refer to credible news sources or consult local authorities.

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