Transocean Ltd. lands impressive $222 million deal for ultra deep water drillship contract

Dhirubhai Deepwater KG1

Transocean Ltd. (NYSE: RIG), a company that provides drilling services for oil and gas wells in offshore locations, has received a significant contract for one of its drilling units. The contract was awarded by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd for the Dhirubhai Deepwater KG1 rig to operate offshore India. This agreement, known as a Notification of Award, is a binding commitment.

The program is set to last for 21 months and is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2024. The contract will contribute around $222 million to Transocean’s backlog, which is the total value of contracts that the company has committed to fulfill in the future. Additionally, there will be a mobilization fee of $5 million associated with the contract.

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The Dhirubhai Deepwater KG1 rig, built in 2009, is currently engaged in work for Reliance Industries at a dayrate of $169,500. However, starting next month until November, the dayrate will increase to $330,000. This contract with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd will further enhance Transocean’s financial position.

Transocean specializes in demanding sectors of offshore drilling, particularly in ultra-deepwater and harsh environments. They operate a fleet of 37 mobile offshore drilling units, which include both ultra-deepwater and harsh environment floaters. The company is known for its technical expertise and operates one of the world’s most advanced fleets for offshore drilling.

It’s important to note that the future outcomes discussed in the press release are forward-looking statements, which means they involve predictions and assumptions. Actual results could differ due to uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances. These statements are based on the company’s expectations and assumptions but are subject to various factors that might lead to different outcomes. Factors such as the duration of customer contracts, fluctuation in oil and gas prices, and global supply and demand for oil and gas can impact the actual results. The company provides reconciliations of non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP measures on its website.

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The press release also clarifies that it is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. Investors are encouraged to evaluate Transocean and its securities based on their own assessment of the company’s performance and risks. The press release highlights that the statements made in it are not a promise or representation of Transocean’s future performance.

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