Why beaching method is safe in ship recycling?

Why beaching method is safe in ship recycling?
Why beaching method is safe in ship recycling?

The article highlights the opposition faced by South Asian ship recycling yards, particularly in relation to the beaching method of ship recycling. Various institutions have criticized the beaching method, citing concerns about poor working conditions, compromised labor rights, and environmental standards. However, the article provides counterarguments and emphasizes the improvements made by ship recycling yards in South Asia.

It is noted that a significant number of ship recycling yards in India have achieved Statements of Compliance (SoC) with the Hong Kong Convention, which indicates their adherence to safety and environmental standards. In addition, a yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh has also attained SoCs from reputable class societies. The Indian government’s accession to the Hong Kong Convention further demonstrates the country’s commitment to safe and environmentally sound ship recycling.

The article highlights that major ship owners, including prominent companies like Maersk, China Navigation, and Teekay, have visited and approved ship recycling yards in Alang, India, considering them to meet their standards. Furthermore, several Indian ship recycling yards have submitted applications to the European Commission for inclusion in the EU’s list of approved ship recycling yards, and some are undergoing EU audits.

The ship recycling yard owners have made substantial investments in upgrading their facilities, implementing measures such as impervious floors with drainage systems, heavy lift cranes, training programs, and compliance with IMO guidelines. These advancements are seen as evidence of the positive development taking place in South Asian ship recycling yards.

The article suggests that critics of South Asian ship recycling yards may question the effectiveness of certifications and harbor concerns about the adequacy of the Hong Kong Convention. However, the involvement of reputable classification societies and the IMO’s endorsement of the convention support its credibility. Banning the beaching method entirely, as some critics suggest, is viewed as impractical and counterproductive by the IMO.

The article concludes by emphasizing the need to understand the reasons behind South Asian countries’ ability to recycle a significant majority of end-of-life ships. It calls for a systematic analysis of the economics of end-of-life ships in India and Turkey to demystify the claims made against South Asian ship recycling yards.

It’s important to note that the content of the article represents a specific viewpoint and should be considered within the context of the author’s perspective.

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